Tutorial: Introduction to the TSTT
>TSTT Staging Room, Mission Control, Thursday 9th Jan 2025 CE<
“salvē,” inquit Octāviāna, “mihi nōmen est Recentia Octāviāna. quid tibi nōmen est?”
Bellātor est cōnfūsus. “ita,” respondet Bellātor, “sciō. tū es soror mea.”
Bellātor rīdet. Octāviāna rīdet.
Octāviāna rogat, “quid nunc?”
Bellātor senem et puerum indīcat. Octāviāna ad arborem spectat et ad arborem ambulat. Bellātor quoque ad arborem ambulat.
Suddenly you realize that Lusy is hovering nearby and she says, “This is it, Operatives! The mission begins. Mission Control will be monitoring your progress closely. Good luck and, most of all, remember to have some fun while exploring the world you are about to enter!”