Operation LAPIS Response Rubric - Mission Control

(All Operatives should consult this guide to carefully craft their immersion responses)



Exceeds Standards

At or Approaching Standards

Below Standards

Expression of Ideas

Addresses the prompt appropriately and completely. Responds to prompt knowledgeably and accurately. Response consistently demonstrates awareness of audience.
Addresses the prompt adequately. Responds to prompt in a general manner. Response may demonstrate limited awareness of audience at times.
Addresses the prompt inadequately or inappropriately. Response to prompt may be off-topic or incomplete. Response demonstrates little or no awareness of audience.


Elaborates consistently with appropriate and precise details in a coherent manner. Shows clear evidence of supporting research.
Elaborates occasionally with some appropriate details in a generally coherent manner. Shows some evidence of supporting research.
Provides few or no appropriate details, or may not attempt to elaborate at all.  Response may be incoherent.Shows no evidence of supporting research.

Cultural Competence

Identifies and describes significant practices and products. Explains how the products and practices relate to attitudes, values and ideas held by the Romans.
Identifies significant practices and/or products. Identifies appropriate connections between products and practices and attitudes, values and ideas held by the Romans.
Identification of significant practices or products is weak or lacking; provides few or no appropriate connections between products and practices and attitudes, values and ideas held by the Romans.

Grammar (Latin)

Consistently employs correct and appropriate grammar. Errors are minimal or do not interfere with meaning.
Generally employs adequate grammar. Errors may be frequent and may interfere with meaning.
Employs only basic grammar, or grammar use is inadequate. Errors may cause the response to be incomprehensible.

Vocabulary (Latin)

Uses extensive vocabulary. Vocabulary is appropriate and accurate.
Uses adequate vocabulary. First language may noticeably influence communication at times.
Uses inadequate vocabulary. First language inhibits communication throughout response.

Risk Taking

Demonstrates a high degree of willingness to take chances, defends ideas, experiments, predicts and puts plans into action.
Deals with unstructured situations; predicts, guesses, and experiments on occasion.
Deals with unstructured situations; experiments and guesses only with assistance or prompting.