Tutorial: Introduction to the TSTT


>TSTT Staging Room, Mission Control, Wednesday 8th Jan 2025 CE< tstt002


You reach out and press the button to proceed to the next staging room and in another flash of brilliant white light.


When you regain your vision, you find yourself looking in on a new chamber. It seems as though a tree, a boy, and an older man are beginning to materialize off to one side -- although neither the boy nor the man seems to be moving. Lusy, once again, is perched before you on a branch of the gradually materializing tree.


salvē,” Lūsūra inquit, “mihi nōmen est Lūsūra. But you already knew that. However, now you know how to say ‘hello, my name is’! How exciting is that?


Lusy now flutters over to the other side of the room. “We are currently building the world--so you can’t interact with the puer or the senex. In the meantime, you should get some practice with initiating conversations inside of the TSTT because you will need to speak like a Roman as well! Decide whether Bellator or Octaviana starts the conversation with the buttons below. 


Good luck, operatives! Wait... did I just call you an operative? I guess you're no longer a recruit! Congratulations! Now go forth and save civilization!


 quid Recentiī agunt?