Please make your selection from the above CODEX menu options for Episode 15.2
Adapted from Historia Brittōnum
multōs post annōs, secundum vāticinātiōnem magī, dum Brūtus lūdēbat cum aliīs, īctū sagittae occīdit patrem suum nōn volēns, sed nōlēns. et expulsus est ab Italiā et errātor fuit et vēnit ad īnsulās maris Tyrrēnī. et expulsus est ā Graecīs causā occīsiōnis Turnī, quem Aenēās occīderat, et pervēnit ūsque ad Gallōs et ibī condidit cīvitātem Turonōrum, quae vōcātur Turnō. et postea ad illam pervēnit īnsulam, quae ā nōmine suō accēpit nōmen, id est Brittanniam et implēvit eam suō genere et habitāvit ibī. ab illō autem diē habitāta est Brittannia usque in hodiernum diem.
Aenēās autem rēgnāvit tribus annīs apud Latīnōs. Ascanius regnāvit annīs xxxvii. post quem Silvius Aenēae fīlius rēgnāvit annīs xii, Postumus annīs trīgintā novem, ā quō Albānōrum rēgēs Silviī appellātī sunt, cuius frāter erat Brittō (aut Brutus). quandō rēgnābat Brittō in Brittanniā, Helī sacerdōs iūdicābat in Israhel et tunc arcam testāmentī aliēnigenī possidēbant. Postumus frāter eius apud Latīnōs rēgnābat.
Operatives, in Mission 11, you were introduced to the Genitive case. You'll recall that it was used to show possession and often translated using the word "of."
In Latin, you can also use the genitive when you want to talk about someone or something that is part of a larger group.
ūnus Recentiōrum in lātrīnā est.
One of the Recentiī is in the bathroom.
pars mīlitum ad Campum Martis contendērunt
Part of the soldiers hurried to the Campus Martius.
This is called the Partitive Genitive. You'll notice that "of" still finds its way into the translation.
aliquō | to somewhere | adverb |
angustus, angusta, angustum | narrow | adjective |
antequam | before | adverb |
circā | around | adverb |
clam | secretly | adverb |
dōnō, dōnāre, dōnāvī, dōnātus | to give, present | verb |
erō | will be | verb |
fātum, fātī - n | fate | noun |
indīcō, indīcere, indīxī, indictus | to point out, show | verb |
labium, labiī - n | lip | noun |
lēniter | gently | adverb |
lībrō, lībrāre, lībrāvā, lībrātus | to balance | verb |
praetōrium, praetōriī - n | headquarters, governor's residence | noun |
rāmus, rāmī - m | branch | noun |
repente | suddenly | adverb |
sōlum | only | adverb |
somnium, somniiī - n | a dream | noun |
suspīrō, suspīrāre, suspīrāvī, suspīrātus | to sigh | verb |
sustineō, sustinēre, sustinuī, sustentus | to support, to hold up | verb |
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus | to try | verb |
torqueō, torquēre, torsī, tortum | to twist | verb |
vel | or | conjunction |
ventus, ventī - m | wind | noun |
vicis, vicis - f | a turn, exchange | noun |
Operative, you are advised to research the pre-history of Britannia and then look back to a previous CULTURALIA entry about Salvius.
Directions: Refer back to the key-text in 15.2 to collect the following:
- 6 nouns and 1 adjective in the Genitive case.
- 2 present active participles
- 1 perfect passive participle
- 6 accusative prepostional phrases
- 6 ablative prepositional phrases
- 7 perfect tense verbs
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences based on the immersion for 15.2
1. Why does Brutus say his luck is bad?
2. What does he say he will always know the location of?
3. How big is the ramus that Brutus shows you?
4. What does the ramus do when Brutus shows it off?
5. Who told Brutus to find the ramus? Why did that person say Brutus should do so?
6. According to Septimus, who thinks that the signifer is in Britain?
7. What do the Recentii think that Septimus is thinking to himself?
8. What does Septimus want the Recentii to do? What do they need to find out?
2. postquam expulsus est, quo Brutus iit?
3. cur Brutus cīvitātem Turonōrum condidit?
4. post Silvius regnavit, quis regnabat apud Latinos?
5. quando Britto (Brutus) in Brittania regnabat?