(Episode 10.2.a Mission Assist HUD)

>Vīlla of Salvius, Southwest of Londinium, 81 CE<

So deeply have you been absorbed in your vestīgium-tracing that you have failed to notice a mild commotion in the ātrium. You do hear, though, Salvius shouting, as it would be miraculous if you didn’t.


“ego iūssa dēdī! ego dīxī, “custōdīte iuvenēs!” sed iam ipsōs in vīllā esse audīvī. num vōs nōn custōdīvistis? nōnne sunt in bibliothēcā?"


Salvius bursts in and takes one look at what’s going on in bibliothēcā suā et seems to understand instantly. ille celeriter prōcēdit et chartam ex manibus Tiberiī rapit.


“nōnne scīvī? Tiberius dē Aegyptō pervēnit? suntne hīc iuvenēs īgnōtī? nōnne est negōtium Lapidis?” clāmat Salvius.


spectat ad Salviam. “I told you never to be in this room! tū es pessima puella!”


Salvia glares defiantly at her father.


Prompt: come up with a culturally-plausible explanation for what’s going on in the library.