(Episode 7.3.b Mission Assist HUD)
>Location and date unavailable<
Operatives, we are working as hard as we can to fix the glitch in the sub-processor, but it is imperative that you continue your mission if you are able. As we told you in the last session we do not think you are in any danger.
tablīnum, in cacūmine aedificiī, mūrōs vitreōs habet. numquam mūrōs tam translūcidōs nec lēvēs vīdīstis. pōne mīram mēnsam sedet Sinistrus.
“vōs salūtō, ō Recentiī,” inquit Sinistrus. in viscerīs tuīs iterum aliquid movet.
Sinistrus surgit et māgnā vōce dīcit,
“Prompt: discover what Sinistrus is doing in an office-building in the TSTT.”