(Episode 4.2.b Mission Assist HUD)
>Vīlla Caeciliī, Pompeii, 79 CE<
“bene,” inquit Caecilius. “tū vērum scīs scrīptorēs Romānōs! egō? legō libenter Vergilium. Cicerō erat vir bonus, sed nōn erat sapiēns, putō. et Ovidius--stultissimus fuit! quis Caesārem oppūgnat? nēmō! nōn libenter legō Horātium, sed erat scrīptor bonus. habeō librōs of the poems of Horace, sed nōn intellegō what that man was trying to say.”
Prompt: Find out why Caecilius likes what he likes. He won’t tell you outright, so you’ll have to deduce from your research why he feels as he does.