(Episode 4.2.a Mission Assist HUD)
>Vīlla Caeciliī, Pompēiī, 79 CE<
You wake up from your Trojan training, and Sextus send you back, still a little woozy, ad vīllam of Caecilius.
Now you are in the trīclīnium of Caecilius’ vīlla, having yet another cēnam optimam as prepared by coquus Euphorbus.
“quid scīs dē litterīs?” rogat Caecilius. spectat Caecilius Tiberium et “cōgnōvēruntne” rogat “scrīptōrēs māgnōs Rōmānōs?”
iterum spectat tē. “scīsne Vergilium?” rogat. “scīsne Horātium? scīsne Cicerōnem?”
Prompt: Show Caecilius that you know something about one or more of those writers. Major bonus LP if you choose one who goes along well with your worldview, or if you choose one who doesn’t, and talk about why.