(Episode 9.1.a Mission Assist HUD)
>Farm of Sinistrus, Southwest of Londīnium, 81 CE<
tē excitās. in tergō in ūmidā herbā iacēs; ovēs prope vōs pāscunt. est nūllum vestigium Sinistrī aedificiī.
dolor gravis est in tuō brācchiō, inter cubitum umerumque. tū rutilum sīgnum in brācchiō cōnspicis. sīgnum, quod aliquis in brācchiō cautēriāvit, est lapis cum duōbus fulminibus.
A long absent crackle in your ear indicates that mission control is back on line.
“Operative, Mission Control here. We’re glad to say we have you back in navigation. Our sensing processes indicate a strange alteration in your electrocarnal net--we’re going to have Septimus check that out for you. He’s on his way. He’ll also debrief you about what happened during that glitch back there.”
novum sīgnum in brācchiō clārē lūcet. sīgnum spectās, et subitō vultum Sinistrī vidēs. Sinistrus rīdet et inquit māgnā vōce,
“Prompt: Decide amongst yourselves (the Recentiī - in your team forums only) what you’re going to tell Septimus.”
Sinistrus adnictat et ēvānēscit. subitō tuum brācchium dolōrem nōn habet.