(Episode 3.2.d Mission Assist HUD)

>Somewhere in the imagination-space of the TSTT’s Troy, Bronze Age< 


Herculēs baculum tollit. deinde verba tua audit et suum baculum dēpōnit. Herculēs circumspectat et est tristis. Herculēs nōn iam est irātus.


Really, he almost seems remorseful, now. He nods at you with the tiniest show of gratitude, and beckons to Priam to come forward. puer timdē prōcēdit et tollit vēlāmen.


hērōs nunc est confusus sed vēlāmen capit. "It's like somebody's put me in some sort of newfangled drama, or something." pōnit vēlāmen in saccō et ad Priamum sē vertit. Herculēs nunc vultum gravem gerit.


“Lapis deōrum” inquit Herculēs “est in hīs murīs.” indicat locum prope portam. ”dēbēs Lapidem bene custōdīre!”


Herculēs dēambulat lentē ad nāvem suam.


Priam ad vōs vertit. “quid accidit?” rogat. “quid nunc agere dēbeō?”


Prompt: Help Priam plan the future of Troy, and how to protect the Lapis. Advice about not accepting gifts from strangers is appropriate, but may not do any good.