(Episode 8.3.b Mission Assist HUD)
>Date and location unavailable<
Mission control is eerily silent.
Sinistrus sē valdē dēlectat.
"optimē factum est! sperō fenestrās dīvīnās vōs adiuvisse. tempus est!"
in nigrō lapide aliquid premit et pavīmentum movet. nunc ostendit vastum locum. rōstrum in locō augustē surgit, apparently made of the same obsidian-like material as Sinistrus' handheld lapidem dīvīnum.
"quis exhibet prīmus?" rogat Sinistrus, "Shall we do this alphabetically? But you're all R. Hmm--let's go by cōgnōmen, then."
brevī tempore putat.
"minimē, nōn est rēctē, quod hominēs parvī post vēlum will be sitting there waiting for the other little people behind the curtain to make their Recentius get up on the rōstrum. I think I have to break the fourth wall here and say that the little people should just have their operātīvus dux post their answers whenever they can."
inquit māgnā vōce,
"Prompt: post your answer."