(Episode 8.3.a Mission Assist HUD)

>Date and location unavailable<
Mission control is eerily silent.


"est bonum iterum vōs vidēre," inquit Sinistrus. "est tempus fōrmam rudem facere. tria puncta habētis, nunc dēbētis argūmenta colligere."


subitō, quinque partēs in mūrīs movent mīrābilēsque nitidās fenestrās mōnstrant. sub fenestrīs sunt mirābilēs māchinae. videntur tegī in parvīs quadrātīs, detached from one another. illa quadrata litterās habent.


"Recentiī parva quadrata premunt et fenestrae magicās pictūrās dēmōnstrant," inquit Sinistrus, with his usual smirk. "Recentiī scientiam in magicīs pictūrīs inveniunt, when they make the little squares say the words that the magic window can find in its big word-and-picture basket."


in magicīs pictūrīs sunt verba. ūnum verbum est māius quam cētera: GUGILIUM. sub illō verbō est longa arca. in arcā līnea fulget, deinde ēvānēscit, deinde refulget, deinde ēvānēscit. . .


"Go ahead," says Sinistrus. "Use the magic windows to find three pieces of evidence for each of your points."


inquit māgnā vōce,

"Prompt: Use the magic windows to find three pieces of evidence for each of your points. Discuss this only in your team forum."