(Episode 9.3.a Mission Assist HUD)
>Farm of Septimus, Southwest of Londīnium, 81 CE<
When you wake up in Septimus' house, he has a cēram for you, holding it up. "crīmen contrā Lūcrētiam!" inquit. "est fābula fāmōsissima, sed etiam trīstissima."
He looks at you expectantly, but you fail, once again, to fade away.
Septimus sibi mussat, et intrat in tablīnum, et revenit, et tibi pillūlam dat.
"dēbēmus errōrem illum invenīre!" exclāmat. interea ēvānēscitis.
You look down and find yourselves dressed as servōs. You are apparently waiting in the perstȳlium of an enormous vīlla, while an urgent conversation is going on inside the tablīnum. prope vōs est fēmina gerēns pallium nigrum. quattuor hominēs in tablīnum intentē loquuntur, so they don't see that the fēmina pūgiōnem tenet atque eum īnspicit.
Prompt: Discover what's going on, and how you can prevent the woman from using the dagger.