(Episode 9.2.b Mission Assist HUD)

>Farm of Salvius, Southwest of Londīnium, 81 CE<


Tiberius vōs in ātrium dūcit, ubi Salvius vōs expectat.


"Salvī, Recentiī sunt amīcī optimī. egō eōs in Pompeiīs scīvī et, quamquam mīror invenīre eōs in Britanniā, egō tamen sum laetissimus eīs iterum occurrere."


Salvius, like the asinus he is, is far from gracious. "Well I see Tiberius has just lost me some good young slaves. Very well--you are welcome in my house, ō Recentiī."


Tiberius vōs ad cubiculum dūcit, ubi volūmen ex saccō cupidē excipit.


Tiberius inquit, "manē! egō nunc intellegō! est Odyssēia! liber XIV! Salvius librum in tablīnō habēre dēbet."


Prompt: Discover where you must go next, and what you must learn in order to continue your search for the Lapis.