(Episode 11.2.b Mission Assist HUD)

>Alexandrīa, Egypt, 80 CE<


"bene," inquit Tertius. "māgnum auxilium est illa quae dīxistis. The question now is what to do about it. I think we need to build on the information you just gave me. If I'm right about the way the Societas Potentium works, and I'm likely to be, for reasons that you shouldn't think about, they would have thought hard about where they should put their praetōrium. They would have wanted to put it somewhere with special significance to the heritage of the LAPIS, and to the future of Rome. . .


"attendite! ecce! putō mē invenire quid agamus! I have a training ready for you that almost certainly has clues about what the Societas Potentium was thinking when they came to Africa. You see, they'd been in Africa before. . .


"celeriter, dicite mihi quid vōs sciātis dē bellīs Pūnicīs. quōmodo ea coepērunt? Do you think the Societas Potenium had anything to do with it?"


Prompt: Tell Tertius why Rome got into the Punic Wars, and what they might have had to do with the struggle between the conservative Societās Potentium and the progressive Mīlitēs Lapidis.