(Episode 16.2.b Mission Assist HUD)
>in aedibus magnitūdinis māgnae, in vīllā rēgis Aquārum Sulis in regiōne Rēgnensium, 81 CE<
vidēs in faciē rēgis vōs nōn superāvisse tīrōnēs Salviī, quī innocentes īrātīque rēctē appārent, habentēs speciēs māgnae iniūriae.
ūnus tīrō inquit, "nēsciō illa dē quibus hī īnsānī iuvenēs praedīcant. rēx Brittōnum es, ac nōn dēbēs tālēs iniūriās sustinēre."
"rēx quōrum?" rogat Cogidubnus.
"Brittōnum. nōnne estis omnēs Brittōnēs, ac rēx hōrum es?"
"minimē! Brittōnēs rēgem nōn habent. īnsulam nostram habitāmus ut anarcho-syndicalisticum commūne."
Suddenly there's a crackle in your ear. "Er, operatives, please don't be alarmed. It seems the TSTT is picking up some interference. . . wait a moment. . . there, that should do it. Those responsible for the malfunction will be sacked. We now return you to your regularly scheduled immersion."
"mē paenitet," inquit tīrō, "rēx Rēgnensium, sed omnīnō nōn necesse est hōrum iuvenium verba audīre."
agendum: tīrōnēs superā.