(Episode 8.1.a Mission Assist HUD)

>Date and location unavailable<

Mission control is eerily silent.


“deinde,” inquit Sinistrus. “potestisne hoc imbibere? in cavō sedētis et in mūrō saxōsō fābulam spectātis. pūpae post vōs umbrās in mūrō faciunt, et umbrae fābulam narrant. ipse vir, cuī nōmen est ‘Demiurge’, ibi vōs vīnxit. ita vērō, vōs in vinculīs creāvit.


“diū sedētis et umbrās spectātis. umbrae vērum sunt... frīgidae,” Sinistrus says this last bit with his customary smirk. “aliī hominēs semper praemia accipiunt quod ōrdinem umbrae didicērunt. clāmant, ‘est leō!  deinde mālum!’ tum quīdam vir tubam lūdit et eīs crūstulum dat.


“quoque crūstulum cupītis incipītisque umbrās discere. hoc multōs annōs agitis et bene agitis....” again, he says this with a smirk. “And then one day you hear someone behind you -- eum spectāre nōn potestis quod unlike the vir cum tubā, this guy doesn’t come around in front of you, and remember you can only look forward--and whoever it is unlocks the vinculōs and pulls you until you’re standing on legs that, frankly, you didn’t know you had.


“Then he turns you around and gives you a shove, et subitō ambulātis in viā -- which is strange, because you thought only the umbrās walked -- and before you know it you’re out in the upper air, and you’re nearly blind because the sun is so bright.”


inquit māgnā vōce,

Prompt: Tell Sinistrus what happens next.”