(Episode 10.1.a Mission Assist HUD)

>Vīlla of Salvius, Southwest of Londīnium, 81 CE<


Tiberius leads you to Salvius’ bibliothēcam, a room off his peristȳlium, early in the morning. Shelves bearing baskets line the walls of a room truthfully not really large enough for five Recentiī plus one Tiberius. In fact, it’s more of a converted cubiculum than something that should be dignified with the title bibliothēca.


Tiberius tamen, “nōnne vīlla rūstica est plēna?” rogat. “nōnne cōnsentītis? nōn urbāna est. sciō, nam nunc urbēs māgnās vīsitavī. nōnne amātis Athēnās Alexandrīamque? vōs certē Graeciam Aegyptumque cōgnōvistis, quod lātē errātis. anteā Romae adfuistis?


“parātisne? nōnne cōnsilium cēpistis? nōnne scītis? quid dēbēmus agere?


Prompt: Answer Tiberius’ questions with some questions of your own, about the map.